Thursday, May 29, 2008

Stalled Relationship, Vague Texts

Most people can agree that dating is a difficult thing. Somehow, people still end up with each other and have things called "relationships." What these relationships entail is spending time together, you and your significant other, doing thing that you mutually enjoy. And there's sex too, usually. Sometimes that falls into the "mutually enjoyable activity" column. Haha joke! I'm breaking this down to such elementary terms because I'm emotionally stunted and I just can't seem to get it right. I guess I can take solace in the fact that this time around it doesn't really seem to be my fault that this relationship isn't working. His name is... well I probably shouldn't share that online. Anyway, I moved closer to him in Logan Square (ew not to be with him, that's pathetic, it's just the best apartment me and the new roomie looked at) and I thought we would hang out more because I'm just five minutes away and, being totally unemployed, I have a very open and flexible schedule. Well that didn't happen. We still make vague plans, "call me when you get off work" and "I'm too tired tonight, what are you doing tomorrow?" but it's not really going anywhere, it usually falls apart before we actually hang out, and I've probably been involved with him for two months now. I'm not really broken up about it, it's just that he was so great, IS so great, I thought that this would be the time that my adventures in dating actually made the transition to a real "relationship." Sigh. Plus he's planning on moving to Micronesia at the end of the summer to take over his father's hardware store. No joke. I guess it's back to drinking alone and reading the internet. Like the party I am throwing alone in my room right now with a 24oz SPARKS plus, with the extra alcohol by volume!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Man what the fuck? It's almost fucking June, I graduated like, three fucking weeks ago and I am still a lazy fucking bum without a goddamn job. I'm not upset, why would you think that? I am just worried about the impending announcement from my money-provider and mother about how I burn through money without even thinking. Hey, is it my fucking fault that food costs money? And real Parmesean Cheese costs fucking more? WTF. Seriously, I'm fine. I had a job interview the other day. But I haven't heard from them in a week. And that's the only job I've interviewed at. Look, fuck this ok? I am so tired ot the real world, why would anyone ever want this shitty existence for themself? ok, i'm gonna try and reel in the pessimism. The weather is great lately! I can still afford copious amounts of alcohol! I am enjoying the free time while I have it! I will be hired soon, don't you know that I am a National Merit Scholar finalist? I would find a link for that shit but, I'm not really caring at the moment. Thanks, talk to you soon!