Monday, February 25, 2008

Silent with snow

Man, the snow is really pretty tonight. I was getting really pissed off at all the cold temperature lately and about to swear off winter but this snow changed my mind. It started out as some of those quarter-sized flakes that make the world feel like a snow globe while I was on campus earlier today. It was so awesome, just staring up at the sky, my favorite song playing on my iPod, the entire world out of my view except for the thick but softly-falling snow.

Now, I just left the downtown campus after working on a paper all night (and playing around with my new blog and I hadn't realized how much snow had fallen because I was nowhere near the window. When I finally looked up at the Water Tower I saw the snow layered on the tree branches near the tower. It was straight out of a photography book or something. (just realizing I live in a picturesque city)

I watched the snow fall on Michigan Ave. for a while waiting for the bus, but nothing compared to when I was walking back to my apartment, further on the North Side. The sidewalks full of unshovled snow and the trees lining the streets each forming into their own unique heavily iced decorations, I was engulfed into a completely different world.

Seriously, it just changed my whole perspective. Brought back that wonder with the natural world that so often disappears in city residents. Fucking awesome.

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